4 Realities for Slim Women in a Western World

4 Realities for Slim Women in a Western World

Hello Lovely It’s me, and I’m here to peel back the layers on a subject that’s been tugging at the corners of my mind: the intricate, often unspoken realities of being slim women in the Western world. Here, where the narrative of beauty is spun with threads of contradictions and the journey toward self-acceptance is […]

The Ideal Body: Beauty Standards in Black Culture

Hello Lovely! Here I am, at the heart of a narrative woven from the resilience and diversity of Black culture, exploring the concept of the “ideal body,” which is both a cultural beacon and a touchstone for personal and communal identity. Let’s delve into the nuances of beauty standards in my culture and how they […]

Slim vs. Curvy: 5 ways Women Navigate Beauty Standards Across Cultures

Hello Lovely! Let’s delve into a topic that’s been on my mind lately: the diverse ways in which women navigate beauty standards across different cultures, particularly focusing on the contrast between being slim versus being curvy. It’s a journey filled with complexities, contradictions, and a myriad of societal pressures.   Conforming to Ideals: In Western […]