Master Your Anxiety

I know the feeling. Anxiety can feel like a constant shadow, and the pressure to be perfect in a world that doesn’t always see your potential can be exhausting. As a Black person, you might even carry an extra layer of worry on your shoulders. That’s why I created the “Master Your Anxiety, Master Your Identity” coaching package. This is your personalized roadmap to overcoming anxiety and embracing the incredible person you are. Here’s what you can expect across our two, 45-minute recorded sessions (with longer packages available):

Dive Deep into Your Anxiety

Anxiety Assessment

We'll begin with a comprehensive anxiety assessment, pinpointing the specific triggers and anxieties that impact you most.

Understanding the Roots

Together, we'll explore how your race, gender, and background influence your anxiety. This self-awareness is crucial for developing effective coping mechanisms.

Breaking the Cycle

We'll identify patterns of worry and perfectionism, unpacking their hold on you and developing strategies to break free from those cycles.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Challenging Societal Expectations

Let's explore the unrealistic expectations society often places on Black individuals. We'll work on strategies to boost your self-esteem and confidence, empowering you to embrace your authentic self.

Building Resilience

We'll develop coping mechanisms to navigate racial microaggressions, systemic barriers, and any situation that triggers your anxiety.

Personalized Action Plan

Based on our sessions, you'll receive a customized action plan with practical tools and techniques you can use daily to manage your anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

Ongoing Support

WhatsApp Support: You won’t be alone between sessions. I offer ongoing support via WhatsApp, allowing you to ask questions, share your progress, and receive additional guidance as needed.
This powerful coaching package goes beyond just managing anxiety symptoms. It equips you with the self-awareness, confidence, and tools to truly master your anxiety and embrace the incredible person you are.

Coaching Services Plans


£ 150
  • 2x 45 mins recorded sessions (*longer packages available) + anxiety assessment + personalised plan + support in between sessions via WhatsApp.
  • I’ll teach you ways to handle your anxiety, that feeling of always needing to be perfect, and wanting to control everything, knowing that being Black comes with its own set of worries.
  • We’ll dive into how your race, gender, and who you are play into your anxiety, helping us understand why you feel this way.
  • We’ll work on boosting your self-esteem and confidence, especially when dealing with what society expects from you, so you can feel better about yourself.

Ready to take control and become the master of your own story? Book your “Master Your Anxiety, Master Your Identity” coaching sessions today and let’s embark on this journey together!