
Consultancy & Coaching

Welcome to Samanthia Clarke’s Sanctuary for Self-Discovery and Growth. Discover the Path to Peace and Inner Strength.
My Services

How I Can Help You

Let’s embark on a journey to ease your worries, find your calm, and gently close the door on anxiety.
  • I’m here to guide you in lifting your spirits, offering support and strategies to build your confidence, especially when facing the challenges tied to race and society. Together, we’ll grow your self-esteem so you can feel more confident and positive about yourself.

  • Facing racism, especially at work? I’ve got your back. We’ll arm you with the tools to confront racial microaggressions and systemic barriers, ensuring you thrive in every space.

  • We’ll also seek a balance that honours both your cultural roots and personal dreams, easing the tension of living between two worlds.

  • I’ll share insights to break the cycle of worry and perfectionism, tailored to the unique anxieties we face as Black individuals.

My Services

How can I Help You​


Coaching Services Plans

Anxiety Relief Trial Session

£ 20

  • 1x 30 min session
  • Explore if my coaching style resonates with you during this low-priced trial session. (1 per client)
  • Learn how coaching can support mental well-being.


£ 75

  • 1x 60 min recorded coaching session.
  • You will experience a rapid, targeted session aimed at addressing your immediate challenges.
  • You’ll get practical tools and techniques that fit right into your busy life, for on-the-go empowerment.
  • Together, we’ll dive into strategies that are all about hitting your goals fast


£ 150

  • 2x 45 mins recorded sessions (*longer packages available) + anxiety assessment + personalised plan + support in between sessions via WhatsApp.
  • I’ll teach you ways to handle your anxiety, that feeling of always needing to be perfect, and wanting to control everything, knowing that being Black comes with its own set of worries.
  • We’ll dive into how your race, gender, and who you are play into your anxiety, helping us understand why you feel this way.
  • We’ll work on boosting your self-esteem and confidence, especially when dealing with what society expects from you, so you can feel better about yourself.

Anxiety Relief Trial Session

£ 20

  • 1x 30 min session
  • Explore if my coaching style resonates with you during this low-priced trial session. (1 per client)
  • Learn how coaching can support mental well-being.


£ 75

  • 1x 60 min recorded coaching session.
  • You will experience a rapid, targeted session aimed at addressing your immediate challenges.
  • You’ll get practical tools and techniques that fit right into your busy life, for on-the-go empowerment.
  • Together, we’ll dive into strategies that are all about hitting your goals fast


£ 150

  • 2x 45 mins recorded sessions (*longer packages available) + anxiety assessment + personalised plan + support in between sessions via WhatsApp.
  • I’ll teach you ways to handle your anxiety, that feeling of always needing to be perfect, and wanting to control everything, knowing that being Black comes with its own set of worries.
  • We’ll dive into how your race, gender, and who you are play into your anxiety, helping us understand why you feel this way.
  • We’ll work on boosting your self-esteem and confidence, especially when dealing with what society expects from you, so you can feel better about yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

High-Functioning Anxiety is when you appear calm and collected on the outside but are constantly battling worry and stress on the inside, often overthinking even the smallest of tasks.

If you constantly worry, struggle to manage irrational fears, and find yourself stressed and overthinking tasks, you may have High-Functioning Anxiety.

Absolutely! The coaching space is a judgment-free zone where you can feel comfortable sharing your experiences and challenges.

Yes, confidentiality is of utmost importance. All coaching sessions are conducted in a safe and confidential environment.

Coaching is not a replacement for therapy or medical treatment. It’s best suited for individuals looking to build skills and strategies to manage their anxiety and improve their overall well-being.

If you’re curious about coaching and want to see if my approach resonates with you, this session is perfect. It’s a low-priced trial to explore how coaching can support your mental well-being.

As an anxiety coach with a background in supporting women with high-functioning anxiety, my personal journey and professional experience have led me to recognize the unique challenges faced by black individuals in managing anxiety, particularly in the context of systemic racism. My passion for addressing the impacts of racism drives my focus on coaching black individuals, as I believe in providing tailored support to navigate the intersection of anxiety and racial challenges.

My extensive experience as a family support worker has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of human emotions, dynamics, and resilience, which I integrate into my coaching practice. This background allows me to offer holistic support to black individuals navigating high-functioning anxiety, drawing from diverse perspectives to address their unique challenges.

I prioritise creating a culturally sensitive and inclusive coaching environment where black individuals from diverse backgrounds feel seen, heard, and valued. By acknowledging and validating their unique experiences and challenges, I strive to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment in every coaching session.

The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual needs and goals. We’ll work together to determine a plan that best fits your needs.


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